These are some photos I took for a band named 'The Crab Apples' two months ago. I had such an amazing time surrounded by talented and funny people, and I'm happy to finally show you the result.
This post is quite personal. Laia b. and I went to the fields we both love for a walk, and I decided to bring my camera with me. Next year I'm going to another school because I want to study arts, so we won't be together as we used to. When I think of the future it scares me a lot, but then I try to think of the benefits of my decision; I'll be studying what I love and I'll meet new people.
These last months I've tried to capture everything that reminds me of my friends and the moments at their side. These photos are just an example of what I've been shooting lately.
Laia is more than my best friends, she's like a sister. I'm so grateful to have her in my life. Without her I would be worst than I am right now.